Asian Business Environment Courses applied to the Health Sector

Asian business environment & intercultural management
This course aims at helping you to understand Asia’s economic development and economic structures. It enables students to identify business opportunities that are currently available and growing in Asia. It provides participant with a better understanding of Asia’s business cultural and ethics, with a clear focus on China. It also gives you some insights in the financial, political and legal system mostly in China.


Intercultural management and negociation
This course aims at providing you with an understanding of the different mindsets, attitudes, and resulting behaviors, forms of organization and interpersonal skills conditioned by cultural elements that may be encountered in a variety of international organizations and businesses. The course will equip you with the necessary intercultural competence to function effectively and sensitively within such environments. It addresses these main issues: acknowledging cultural differences and their impact on business practices and management; mastering cultural indicators and the concept of business system, understanding how the cognitive system influences our representation of the world and our behaviors.


Sociology of health in China
Whereas data technologies are clearly contributing to disrupt the Healthcare industry all over the world, the way to consider healthcare depends clearly on the history, the culture and the spiritual beliefs of different countries and populations. Chinese people always had their own way of considering the body and therefore prevention and medical treatment. It is important for our participants, who will evolve as contributors to the global health industry, to be aware of different ways of thinking about, and considering health. This course intends to open their mind to these differences and to these other ways of considering life, beyond the western-based scientific and economic components of healthcare.


Performance evaluation of healthcare systems
The objective of this course is to introduce existing methodologies for system modeling and simulation, and performance evaluation applied to healthcare. A first part of the course aims at introducing basic notions of process optimization and the difficult context of implementation in healthcare; the second part of the course gives an overview of the main techniques and applications of organizational optimizations (e.g., digital twin).


Logistics in healthcare
Thanks to this course, you will understand the application of methods and tools from the operational research and industrial engineering areas to health care systems. The first part of the course gives basic concepts in logistics and operations research methods. Then it focuses on the logistic issues in Healthcare and how digital technologies impact these issues in this industry.


Ambiant and Assisted Living
Ambiant and Assisted Living (AAL) aims at extending the time older people can remain in their home environment by the use of smart technologies and remote and care services. In this course, you will discover the different social and technological challenges of AAL and the existing solutions that emerge to overcome them. This course will specifically address digital and social connectivity, technologies for memory loss and remote health monitoring.


Decision support tools in Healthcare
The goal of this course is to present the main issues encountered in the organization and control of healthcare systems, and the existing methods to address them. The first part of the course focuses on healthcare organization environment: demand forecasting, strategic organization of hospitals and localization of services. Then, activity planning is addressed, leading to consider its impact on Human Resources Management. The last part of the course is dedicated to the control of healthcare systems.


Smart health technologies
The objective of this course is to give the participants an overview of the applications of smart health technologies and the challenges (infrastructure, competencies, etc.) faced in their usage. A first part of the course analyses IoT as a growing technology in the healthcare environment. A second part focuses on communication technologies. Finally, main challenges and issues associated to these technologies are analyzed, and some specific applications are displayed.