Program Content for the MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence

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The Master of Science (MSc) in Health Management & Data Intelligence offered by emlyon business school is accessible after a Bachelor minimum (valid diplomas include bac +4 or bac +3).

This program enables foreign or French students to acquire a high-level, specialized education aimed at the main functions of digital health management in companies whose scope is resolutely oriented towards international markets.
This program requires a professional mission at the end of the course for a minimal duration of 4 months (internship, VIE, fixed-term contract or permanent contract).

A lot of training courses at other institutions focus either on digital / artificial intelligence / data science or on the health industry. It is very rare to be able to combine these two dimensions and expertise to benefit from a complete learning experience. emlyon business school and Mines Saint Etienne believe that both dimensions are tightknit and to be connected and addressed together, which is why the MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence was designed to fit the markets’ needs.

Data is everywhere, and engineers will need to go beyond traditional techniques and skills while managers need to grasp the effects and potential of artificial intelligence. Different profiles will have to collaborate within firms and organizations in order to implement transformations, develop new added value and build the future with ethics, knowledge and efficiency.

Discover the program content for the 2023-2024 academic year:

Structure programme MSc HMDI

First period (September to April) in Lyon


You will first follow a core syllabus which will allow you to acquire the fundamentals of management, gain the necessary skill set of international business management and apply it to the industry.

Example of courses:

  • Fundamentals of Economics
  • Fundamentals of Finance
  • Fundamentals of Accounting
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Corporate Social Responsibility


After the enrolment and before the official start of classes, you will have access to many of the digital resources available to emlyon business school students during the summer:

  • emlyon business school apps and platforms (Learning Hub, Career Center, etc.)
  • e-learning management fundamentals courses available online

This will help you to get to the grips with the various tools and ensure that your integration is a success, as you will have a busy schedule once the program begins in September.


The Transforming early makers track challenges you to disrupt existing business models to imagine new value systems in the 2030 horizon through an entirely innovative learning path, directly preparing you for your new profession: steering and supporting the emergence, deployment, development and diffusion of transformation projects using digital technology as a lever for disruption.
Our approach positions you as a “maker”. You will be deployed on a project and placed in a competitive and collaborative environment where you will benefit from methodological input and support. From September, you will join a working group and cluster aligned with your areas of interest. Each week will be organized around this project and the various actions and initiatives that you will be required to achieve. Five series of courses and transversal themes will be studied in this first period:

  • Stimulate your creativity through Design Thinking
  • Improve your flexibility using fast-track projects
  • Harness disruptive markets using Market Intelligence
  • Constructing disruptive competitive positioning
  • Making disruptive business bodels profitable


This track has many advantages:

  • you work in a team on topics that interest you
  • you learn in a real-life situation with regular objectives and deliverables
  • you are supervised by a coach
  • you focus on your employability from the outset by meeting companies, participating in professional workshops and hearing expert testimonials
  • you quickly learn how to sell and how to sell yourself (sales pitch approach)


Innovative Project Management

This course focuses on project management methodology and will provide you with both concepts, tools, and methods, and behavioral skills in order to successfully complete innovative projects. Key challenges for project managers include the ability to manage without influence; to gain the support of stakeholders; and to access resources not directly under their control.

The Healthcare Ecosystem

This course will enable you to develop your own understanding of the transformation of the healthcare ecosystem. It gives an overview of the different actors involved in this environment, of the new entrants (mostly relying on technological innovations). It also addresses the related topics of value creation and value capture within this sector.

Economy and Sociology of Health

The first objective of this course is to drive you to see how the healthcare system offers a decision-making framework based on efficiency. The healthcare system is facing major inequalities. The objective of this course is to understand the causes, nature and consequences, the ways they are culturally understood, and some of the most important attempts to address these inequalities. The different topics addressed during this class are healthcare system and social security, supply and demand of care, regulation and economic assessment of healthcare programs, inequalities toward health, and health prevention and promotion.

Big Data & Artificial Intelligence: an introduction

The course gives a first introduction to concepts related to data APIs, big data, data protection, blockchain, IoT and AI in such a way that it prepares you for the more technical courses that will be delivered further in the program. It opens participants to the business implications of such technologies, so that you will be able, in further courses, to systematically relate technologies and processes that you will discover to business and managerial issues.

Patient-centric Ecosystems

Untill recently, patients were not considered as customers, and healthcare was tackled as something different of an industry. However due to societal and technological transformations, the customer-centric model is progressively integrated in the healthcare sector and expressed as a patient-centric model. Therefore, all the actors in this sector, whatever the role they play, should change their mindset and consider value created for this patient and her/his satisfaction regarding the services that have been delivered and solution provided. This course will give you specific clues to adapt “client-orientation” methodology and tools to this critical “patient- orientation” posture that is more and more required in any activity of the healthcare industry.

Health Information System

This course intends to present a healthcare information system and health data management. Understanding how data is collected, how to guarantee quality of data, and then how to guarantee compliance between different Information Systems in order to enhance the value created for the patient through the healthcare path. The course addresses the following topics: typology of healthcare Information Systems (HIS), HIS and quality assurance, and Electronic Patient Record.

Ecosystems and Platform Business Models

New and frequently disruptive technologies and novel user behaviors lead to the emergence of new economic structures, new organizational forms and new business models in most industries. The Healthcare Industry is also directly impacted. Together these transformations challenge and change the creation, capture, and redistribution of value. The main goals of the course are to trace these changes and discuss strategic responses through focusing on several key issues, including the emergence and design of business ecosystems and the creation of new business models fuelled by open innovation and data, notably bi-base and platform models.


Health issues in the work place

Considering the individual at the heart of the whole healthcare ecosystem requires to also consider his/her health issues in the context of professional life. This course addresses all health issues connected to the work place, analyzing how work conditions can have negative impacts on the health of employees and managers, and trying to find out some ways to improve health at the work place, considering that is a pre-requesite for companies' performance.

Medtech and digital startup

The goal of the course is to immerse you into the design and implementation of innovative concepts and technologies through role playing sessions and experience feedbacks. This course will be organized in interactive sessions where students will get to build the medtech of tomorrow. Examples of sessions include open lab, design thinking, living lab, experiments, and usages. The course will be illustrated by success stories of health & digital start ups.

Ethics and policy risks of artificial intelligence in healthcare

This course gives an overview of the social and ethical issues of the use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies. It presents a critical approach to analyse and understand the underlying challenges. It covers three main dimensions of ethical issues. First, it focuses on data security and privacy, two main factors in Healthcare. Then it raises the question of a responsible artificial intelligence compliant with fairness, accuracy, confidentiality and transparency. Finally, it considers the impact of automatization thanks to AI technology on employment and therefore, society as a whole.

Patient data for diagnosis and prevention

In this course, the participants are given the possibility to understand the different types of data generated through a health pathway (e.g. image, gene sequences, administrative data, etc.) and the tools required to extract useful insight from these data. Techniques such as image processing, modelling or sequence alignment will be covered.

Interacting with artificial intelligence

This module introduces important tools related to human-computer interactions. Human perception is a complex phenomenon which relies on non-linear biological sensors, working in cooperation with the brain. The complexity of the human senses allows us to deal with bad environmental conditions such as crowd noise or illumination variations. In order to interact with humans with efficiency, computers have to mimic these abilities, which implies that they have to take into account the mechanisms involved in the environment of the interlocutor (ambient noise and light), and the perception mechanisms of humans (sensors and brain parts).

Big data and artificial intelligence in healthcare: challenges and Issues

This course introduces the specific contex of Artificial Intelligence technologies implementation in the healthcare domain. It focuses on the main techniques that are currently bringing disruptions in healthcare: Machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement), deep learning and autonomous agents. Real life cases (aid for diagnosis, robotic assistance, virtual assistance, etc.) are presented to participants and discussed, some of these innovations having led to success both technically and economically, others to some kind of failure.

Biomedical devices and sensors

The objective of this course is to provide you with basic knowledge of biomedical engineering and design, or the characteristics of the material used as interface with the biological system. This course will have as main lead the regulation policies impacting the development of such devices. Different issues related to biomedical devices and sensors are covered, from concept generation and evaluation to regulation and business perspectives.

“Omics” and nanotechnologies

This course aims to enable you to acquire the basic notions of nanotechnologies and “omics” strategies used in life sciences. These notions are essential to pursue a career in the field of data science and IA devoted to the healthcare field. In addition, it will cover the main diagnostic and therapeutic tools currently available or undergoing development. Three main topics are addressed during this course: basic concepts of cellular biology, “omics” strategy, and finally nanotechnologies as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. In addition to the courses above, you will also attend various seminars in Saint-Etienne (Mines Saint-Etienne and CHU - hospital units)


Collective intelligence

Technical disruptions and business model transformations call for organizational change. As a consequence, people and teams also have to invent ways to collaborate and create value collectively. The objectives of this course are the following: leveraging methods of collective intelligence, learning how to build the conditions for effective cooperation and adopting a posture that promotes working together. This course will rely on role-playing, peer-to-peer learning and group work in order to experiment different approaches and methods for collective intelligence.

Change Management

Change management should be an important issue for any company or organization facing major transformation. Dealing with change management means considering various organizational dimensions: analysis of power relations, information systems, reward systems and individual and behavioral dimensions. Confronted to change, human beings tend to demonstrate some level of resistance. This course will give participants the key to analyze and understand behaviors in front of drastic changes and will develop leadership postures in order to coach for change.


This International Seminar is a unique opportunity to engage in insightful conferences and connect with numerous companies. It offers a firsthand understanding of how the economic landscape influences business strategies, while also immersing you in the local culture. Finally, it is also a way to start developing your international network.


The in-company project, which is an important part of the curriculum, allows you to enter your internship or first job with solid experience. Working on a business project will help you to:

  • Put your newly acquired academic knowledge into practice
  • Gain first-hand experience while working on a tangible project while benefiting from the comfort of a supporting structure
  • Learn intercultural skills, navigate different businesses and cultural environments
  • Build a network (with local alumni, students and partners)

Second term (July to December) Anywhere in the world


The Professional Thesis is an analytical work on a topic related to the industry and to the professional experience gained during your internship. This is a great opportunity for you to research a subject which is not only of particular interest, but which has the potential to contribute powerfully to your personal and professional development.


The 4 to 6-month internship is a great opportunity to put your academic knowledge to the test and acquire tangible experience within the industry.

The internship is a great opportunity to put your academic knowledge to the test, and acquire tangible experience within the industry. The school will give you all the support and tools you need to find the right internship for you. Instead of doing an internship, starting directly with your first job can validate this professional experience required to get your degree and graduate from the program.

All courses are available in English and you will have the opportunity to learn French through online and face to face courses.

Among your professors

From Mines Saint Etienne

From emlyon business school


Assessment methods may include case studies, presentations, mock exercises, tests, etc.


The graduation rate for students of the MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence for the 2021-2022 academic year is 89.7% (100% of students taking the exam have graduated).